Niet echt hoogstaande kunst maar leuke tekeningen van natuur en boerderijtjes aangevuld met teksten en gedichten gekozen door Cees Buddingh die de oorspronkelijke (Engelse) zeemzoete psalmen ed verving.
Wim Barbier
De Seizoenen review
Posted : 18 years, 3 months ago on 27 October 2006 06:33 (A review of De Seizoenen)0 comments, Reply to this entry
Huizen in torens De Zichemse Maagdentoren en andere donjons review
Posted : 18 years, 3 months ago on 27 October 2006 06:31 (A review of Huizen in torens De Zichemse Maagdentoren en andere donjons)De middeleeuwse donjons spreken tot de verbeelding. Waren het woontorens of eerder verdedigingsbouwwerken? De maagdentoren gidst u naar de antwoorden. De toren stortte in 2006 gedeeltelijk in. Toen bleek er in keer politieke wil tot beschermen. Dit boek dateert van er voor.
Wim Barbier
Wim Barbier
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Hoogbegaafde kinderen, op school en thuis review
Posted : 18 years, 3 months ago on 27 October 2006 06:28 (A review of Hoogbegaafde kinderen, op school en thuis)In januari kreeg ik het interessante en praktische boekje Hoogbegaafden in het basisonderwijs in handen. In dit boekje krijg je de evolutie in het denken over hoogbegaafdheid beknopt uitgelegd. Het besluit is dat iemand tot uitzonderlijke prestaties kan komen op diverse terreinen, maar dat er wel een optimale dynamiek moet bestaan tussen de begaafdheidsfactoren,niet-cognitieve
persoonlijkheidsfactoren en omgevingsfactoren.
Lieven Coppens in Nieuwsbrief 37
persoonlijkheidsfactoren en omgevingsfactoren.
Lieven Coppens in Nieuwsbrief 37
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Mein System review
Posted : 18 years, 3 months ago on 16 October 2006 06:39 (A review of Mein System)Wikipedia: [Link removed - login to see]
My System (German: Mein System), is a book on chess theory written by Aron Nimzowitsch. The book รขยย one of the early works on hypermodernism รขยย introduced many new concepts to followers of the modern school of thought.
The book is divided into three parts: The Elements, Position Play, and Illustrative Games.
In The Elements, Nimzowitsch writes about the basics of his "system". He covers topics such as piece development, play in the center, control of the 7th and 8th ranks, the development of passed pawns, etc.
The next part, Position Play, is based largely on the "elements" taught in the first part. In it, Nimzowitsch tells how to play for a positional advantage. In particular, he argues that the center can be effectively controlled using pieces instead of pawns. This concept, now widely accepted, is one of the fundamental principles of hypermodernism.
Illustrative Games contains annotated versions of fifty of Nimzowitsch's career games, which he refers to throughout the text.
* The original German edition was published in 1925. This edition is out-of-print.
* In 1930, a British English edition titled My System, translated by Philip Hereford, was published by Harcourt, Brace and Company. This edition is out-of-print.
* In 1991, an American English edition titled My System: 21st Century Edition (ISBN 1-880673-85-1), edited by Lou Hays, was published by Hays Publishing. In this edition, descriptive notation has been changed to algebraic notation and many diagrams have been added.
My System (German: Mein System), is a book on chess theory written by Aron Nimzowitsch. The book รขยย one of the early works on hypermodernism รขยย introduced many new concepts to followers of the modern school of thought.
The book is divided into three parts: The Elements, Position Play, and Illustrative Games.
In The Elements, Nimzowitsch writes about the basics of his "system". He covers topics such as piece development, play in the center, control of the 7th and 8th ranks, the development of passed pawns, etc.
The next part, Position Play, is based largely on the "elements" taught in the first part. In it, Nimzowitsch tells how to play for a positional advantage. In particular, he argues that the center can be effectively controlled using pieces instead of pawns. This concept, now widely accepted, is one of the fundamental principles of hypermodernism.
Illustrative Games contains annotated versions of fifty of Nimzowitsch's career games, which he refers to throughout the text.
* The original German edition was published in 1925. This edition is out-of-print.
* In 1930, a British English edition titled My System, translated by Philip Hereford, was published by Harcourt, Brace and Company. This edition is out-of-print.
* In 1991, an American English edition titled My System: 21st Century Edition (ISBN 1-880673-85-1), edited by Lou Hays, was published by Hays Publishing. In this edition, descriptive notation has been changed to algebraic notation and many diagrams have been added.
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